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An Unforgettable Trip to the Beach
During the summer holiday, I went to a beautiful beach with my parents and had an unforgettable trip.
I will never forget the views there. The sunshine was bright and it seemed that the sea was shiny, too. The sky was blue and so was the sea. There were no clouds in the sky and the sea was calm. What a beautiful picture it looked! I was a little afraid of the water. Thus, I was only lying on the beach. A gentle wind blew, I felt peaceful.
However, when I heard the laughter of the people in the sea, I couldn’t help joining them and we played with the water happily. Of course, my fear about the sea was fading. Soon, laughter surrounded the beach…
At last, we took a walk along the sea when the sun was setting. I found that when I was close to nature, nothing was more beautiful than it.
Our trip was a great success. Time goes by, but the sweet memory will be carefully kept in my mind.
A Special Holiday
Last summer, I went to Qingdao with my family. I had a very good time there and it was the most unforgettable holiday I’ve ever had.
The weather there was quite different from that in Beijing. The sky was crystal clear and we could see all kinds of birds flying in the sky. The temperature was neither too high nor too low. During the vacation, what I like best was the day when we went to the beach. Almost all d


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