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上传人:夏天教育 2021/12/2 文件大小:51 KB





文档介绍:新世纪教育网 精品资料 版权所有 @新世纪教育网
Unit 12 Don ’teat in class.
Step one: Warming -up
Play the music.
Do you like listening to music? Ss: Yes.
Can you listen to music in class? Ss: No.
T: That ’s right. So “Don ’tlisten to music in the classrooms. We can ’tlisten to music in the classrooms.”( Write the sentences on the Bb.)
Step two: Presentation
Show the pictures
What is he doing? Ss: He is running.
Where is h running? Ss: In the hallway.
Can he run in the hallway? Ss: No, he can’t.
Don ’trun in the hallways. ( Ask Ss to repeat.)
Show more pictures, and present more sentence patterns.
“Don’teat in the classrooms.”
“Don’tfight. ”
“Don’tbe late for class. ”(Ask the students to repeat all the sentences.)
These are our school rules.
Ask the students to tell the school rules.
Three students break the rules. Ask Ss listen to the tape. Finish 1b. Then check the answers.
Step three: Practice
Group work.
Suppose one is a teacher, and the others are breaking the rules. 3 or 4 Ss a group. (Give Ss some paper with the rules.)
Give Ss several minutes, then ask several groups to act out.
Listening (2a&2b)
There ’s a new student Cindy. She doesn ’tknow the rules. Alice tells her. Listen to the tape, check the rule they talk about. Then check the answers.
Step Four


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