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文档介绍:东北农业大学毕业论文基于 ODMA 无线自组网的数据传输系统的设计入学年级: 2011 春学生姓名:祁志雷学号: 155120215011 所学专业: 计算机科学与技术东北农业大学 2013 年 3月摘要机会驱动多址接入( ODMA ) 是一种将自组网技术与蜂窝网技术有机结合的通信方式, 是一个由第三代合作伙伴计划( 3GPP ) 工作组所考虑的专案多跳中继协议。 ODMA 技术有许多优点,例如组网快速灵活、节约信号功率等,是一个具有广阔应用前景的组网技术。本毕业设计, 主要是学****和研究 ODMA 技术的原理和应用方法, 探讨该技术的应用前景,并利用 ODMA 设备搭建一个实验技术平台。本文对 ODMA 技术进行了系统分析, 介绍了主要的硬件设备。重点总结整理了 ODM A 技术的软件开发方法, 并利用套接字( socket ) 技术, 基于 VC++ 环境设计开发了应用程序, 实现了两台计算机之间,通过 ODMA 网络进行的数据通信。关键词:机会驱动多址接入( ODMA );套接字;线程 The D esign of Data Transmission System ofAdH ocN etwork Based On ODMA ABSTRACT Opportunity driven multiple access (ODMA) isa cellular multihop method proposed for Universal Mobile munications Systems(UMTS) and an adhoc multihop relaying protocol considered by the third-generation partnership project (3GPP) working group. ODMA has many advantages,such as:working and reduced signal power etc..So,it has an attractive prospect for future munication systems. Based on the research of basic theory and knowledge about ODMA , this paper states advantages of ODMA and application in many fields in details. And the paper depicts how to make up an experimental technology platform by using devices. This article analyzes ODMA systematically and describes some important hardware. The paper summarises the software development methods based on ODMA. By using socket technology, the paper exploits a program based on VC++ so as to realize the function that users ’ data are exchanged between puters in work based on multiple thread. Key words : Opportunity driven multiple access (ODMA),socket;thread 目录 1 引言………………………………………………………………………………………1 研究背景和意义……………………………………………………………………… 1 国内外的研究现状........................................................................................................... 1 论文的内容和章节安排.................................................................................................. 2 2 ODMA 基本理论................................................................................................................. 3 OD