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上传人:飞行的笑笑 2021/12/4 文件大小:44 KB





姓名: 得分:
一、看图、选出正确的单词。( 10分)
A. cap B. boat C. map D. ball E. desk
( ) ( ) ( )
( ) ( )
二、圈出不同类的单词。( 5分)
1. chair desk 2. ruler box 3. on under
cap pencil no

4. car boat 5. arm foot
cap are
一、单项选择。( 20分)
( ) 1. ----Let ’s there! ------OK!
A. Go to B. go C. goes
( ) 2. -----I can ’t find you. ? -----I ’m behind you!
A. Where is it B. Where is you
C. Where are you
( ) 3. -----Where is Tom? ----- is in the boat.
A. He B. She C. It
( ) 4. ----- is my toy car? ---On the desk.
A. Where B. What C. How
( ) 5. -----Where are you? ----- .
A. I ’ m from America B. It ’ s on the desk
C. I ’ m in the room
( ) 6. ----- ? ---Under the desk.
A. Where is it B. Is this your ball C. What
is it
( ) 7. -----Is mum in the kitchen? ----- .
A. Yes,it is B. Yes,he is C. Yes,she is
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( )8. -----Where is book? -----It ’s in the toy box.
A. a B. an C. the
( )9. I have two .
A. Toy boats B. Toys boat C. Toys boats
( )10. ----- they in the bag? ---Yes,they are.
A. Ate B. Is C. Do
二、根据提示、回答问题。( 12分)
1. ----Is the dog on the box?(作肯定回答)
2. ----Is the pencil under the book?(作肯定回答)
3. ----Is the ball under the chair?(作否定回答)
4. ----is the bird in the tree?