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arabic natural language processing models, systems and applications参考文献.pdf

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arabic natural language processing models, systems and applications参考文献.pdf



文档介绍:Journal of King Saud University – Computer and Information Sciences 29 (2017) A1–A3
Contents lists available at ScienceDirect
Journal of King Saud University –
Computer and Information Sciences
journal homepage:
Arabic Natural Language Processing: Models, systems and applications
At present, language technologies are instrumental to millions ety of fully spelled forms. Contrary to many languages, where the
of people, who use them every day with little if any awareness of process of decoding spelling into sounds typically precedes text
their existence and role. Popular machine translation systems or understanding, in Arabic there is virtually no reading without prior
web search engines rely more and more on levels of linguistic understanding. This poses new challenges to received language
information automatically overlaid by batch processing tools using processing architectures for highly resourced languages, where
language technologies. This development has not only had a huge levels of linguistic analysis, from morphology (word-level) to syn-
impact on our daily life, but has also deeply a


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