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文档介绍:For One Chinese Student, a Tough Job Hunt Four years ago, Gao Shangming was convinced that his son Yueqing needed to remain in the family's one-room apartment and help harvest corn rather than go to college. 'Our financial situation wasn't good, ' the 50-year-old peasant farmer says. But Gao Yueqing was determined to escape the dusty north China mountain village of 200 households where nearly all young people either e farmers or migrate to nearby cities to work in restaurants. His father's relatives talked up young Gao's case, as did a respected high-school teacher who told the elder Gao how hardworking his son was. The clincher: 'He told me, 'IfI let him get a college degree, he'd make more money, '' the elder Gao recalls. So the father put in extra hours in nearby coal mines to pay his son's 10, 000 yuan ($1, 600) annual tuition and expenses at Shanxi University's business school in Taiyuan, in the heart of China's coal country. His grateful son was so frugal that his roommates nicknamed him 'Iron Chicken, ' because it was as hard to separate him from a yuan as it would be to pluck a feather from an iron fowl. Gao Yueqing is set to graduate this June with a degree in accounting, the most practical major he and his father could agree upon. But the younger Mr. Gao, like many Chinese college students, is finding it hard to nail a job, especially one that pays decently. During a


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