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ayurveda management of oro-facial herpes a case report英文.pdf



文档介绍:Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine 11 (2020) 357e359
Contents lists available at ScienceDirect
Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine
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Case Report
Ayurveda management of oro-facial herpes: a case report
Kirankumar Mutnali a, , . Roopa b, T. Shivaprasad b, Ritu Yadav b
a Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Hospital and Research Centre, Ankali, India
b Department of Kayachikitsa, KAHER’s Shri B M Kankanawadi Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya, Post Graduate Studies and Research Centre, Belagavi, Karnataka,
article info abstract
Article history: Viral infections are one of the challenging health hazards of the present medical care. One among such
Received 22 January 2019 viral infections is “Oro-facial Herpes”, caused by the Varicella Zoster Virus (HSV-1). This case report
Received in revised form shows the successful treatment of “Oro-facial herpes” and its complication only through Ayurveda. In
16 May 2020
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