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中国与英国 选举制度的不同.doc

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中国与英国 选举制度的不同.doc

上传人:慢慢老师 2021/12/5 文件大小:13 KB


中国与英国 选举制度的不同.doc


文档介绍:Different Electoral Machinery In China and Britain
Both the electoral machinery in China and Britain are the typical example of election around the world .Through comparing the difference between them, I have known more and further about UK.
Firstly, as we all know China is a communism country, led by single party-Chinese Communist. So the major organs of state power is called PC(People’s Congresses).The hierarchical electoral system is the basic election system, where the local PC are directly selected by native citizen, and all higher level of PC up to National PC are indirectly elected by PC of level immediately below. Different rank of the governors mayors and councils are elected by respective of relevant PC. For example , heads of districts are elected by local PC (the lowest level). The president and state council are elected by national PC (the top one).
However ,election in UK is quite different .The United Kingdom is divided into 659 constituencies ,each of which returned one member to House of Commons at a general election. The citizen who are residents in UK (including British citizen , citizen of other common wealth countries and republic of Ireland ) can vote in parliamentary elections. What is worth mention ,each candidate’s nomination must be proposed and seconded by two electors registed in the constituency and signed by eight others. Always ,the candida


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