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Histroy of Education
Educational System
Educational difference
History of Education
History of American Education
The first American schools opened during the colonial era.. In 1642 the Massachusetts Bay Colony made “proper〞 education compulsory. Similar statutes were adopted in other colonies in the 1640s and 1650s.
The first public schools were opened in 1849.
By 1870, every state provided free elementary education.
History of Chinese Education
Formal education has been traced back to the 16th century in the later Shang Dynasty (1523-1027 BC).
The teachings of Confucianism during the Spring and Autumn and Warring States periods, the curriculum were mainly based on ''The Four Books and The Five Classics''; These teachings outlined the principles of society and government, the codes for personal conduct, and collectively defined the Confucian philosophy.
During Han dynasty, the first civil
service exam was set up. It had been
used until the Qing dynasty.
Educational System
Grade 1 to grade 5
Elementary School
Two-year secondary school
Grade 6 to grade 7
Junior high school united secondary school
Grade 8
Middle School
Grade 9 to grade 12
High School
Four year system
Postsecondary school
American Education System
American Education System
Children must attend school before they are 16-18 years old.
Secondary schools curriculum generally include compulsory English,math,Social communication,PE.
Teachers usually mark students on term reports, assignments, classroom performance, quizzes, and mid-term final exams.
A classroom in a senior high school
American Universities and colleges
There are about 3000
colleges and universities,both
private and public. However,
Private schools are better than
public examlpe:
Harvard University.
They are all independent,offering their own choice of studies, setting their own admission standards and deciding wh