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AECT94定义:教育技术是为了促进学****对有关的过程和资源进行设计、开 发、利用、管理和评价的理论和实践。
Instructional Technology is the theory and practice of design, development, utiIization, management and evaluation of processes and resources for learning.
AECT2004 定义:Educat i ona I techno I ogy i s the study and eth i ca I pract i ce of fac i I i tat i ng I earn i ng and improving performance by creating、 us i ng> managing appropr iate technological processes and resources.
教育技术是通过创造,使用,管理适当的技术过程和资源,促进学****和改善绩 效的研究与符合道德规范的实践。
Schema theory, eIaborat i on, metacogn it ion,automat icity,expert/nov i ce stud i es, and transfer are on I y a few of the constructs stud i ed by cogn it i ve psychologists that have important imp I icat ions for the des i gn of
i nstruct i on.
Aud i ov i suaI commun i cat i on i s that branch of educat i onaI theory and pract ice concerned pr imar i ly with the design and use of message which controI the I earn i ng process.
To gain a more comp I ete overv i ew of what takes p I ace when peop I e engage i n an act of commun i cat i on, I et us f i rst ana I yze the process i n terms of s i x spec i f i c stages that takes pI ace i n the fol lowing order:
当人们在进行沟通交流时,为了获得一个更完整的概述,让我们首先分析六个发 生在特定阶段发生下列顺序方面的过程:
the act of human communication begins with a sender, who decid