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人力资源管理师的报考条件及方式(Qualifications and methods of Human Resource Management Division).doc

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人力资源管理师的报考条件及方式(Qualifications and methods of Human Resource Management Division).doc

上传人:taoapp 2021/12/5 文件大小:52 KB


人力资源管理师的报考条件及方式(Qualifications and methods of Human Resource Management Division).doc



文档介绍:人力资源管理师的报考条件及方式(Qualifications and methods of Human Resource Management Division)
A brief introduction of the examination
The examination for the qualifications of the enterprise human resources management by the national Ministry of labor organization of the examination, after passing the examination by the State Department of labor and social security issued by the division of human resources management (national occupation qualification level two) occupation qualification certificate.
According to the national occupation standard is divided into human resources manager (national occupation qualification level Four), assistant human resources management (national occupation qualification level three), human resources management division (national occupation qualification level two), senior human resources division (national occupation qualification level)
Two, registration conditions
Human Resource Manager (national professional qualification level Four)
(1) with a college degree (including the same degree), continuous engaged in the professional work for more than 1 years, by the professional human resources administrator formal training to reach the required standard hours, and obtain the certificate (certificate);
(2) with a college degree (including the same degree), continuous engaged in the professional work for more than 2 years.
(3) with high school or technical secondary school education, continuously engaged in the professional work for more than 4 years, through the professional human resources administrator formal training to reach the required standard hours, and obtain the certificate (certificate);
(4) with high school or technical secondary school education, continuously engaged in the professional work for more than 5 years.
Assistant Human Resource Manager (national professional qualification three)
(1) continuously engaged in the professional work for more than 6 years.
(2) after obtaining the professional qua