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上传人:学习好资料 2021/12/5 文件大小:524 KB





文档介绍:Beamforming Weight Vectors Designing for 60 GHz
Wireless Communication Systems
Forgin Harlad Komba, Xu Pingping, Chu Hongyun
5 (National Mobile Communications Research Lab, Southeast University, NanJing 210096)
Abstract: In this paper, we design codebooks for supporting beamforming in 60 GHz frequency band.
The proposed codebooks support both discrete and continuous phase resolution, respectively. The
codebooks with discrete resolution were derived following the concept initiated by TG3c in IEEE
standard while the codebook with continuous resolution is based on Kaiser-Bessel
10 windowing function. The designed codebooks give weight vectors that have reasonable level of side
lobe and can be used in 60 GHz systems employing analog and digital phase shifters. The codebooks
were created by considering the main features of linear array such as array gain, side lobe level,
directivity loss and half-power beamwidth of the radiation pattern. The simulation results show that the
weight vectors of the designed codebooks improve the performance of linear arrays in terms of power
15 of side lobe, directivity loss, and output SNR of beamforming receiver. The designed weight vectors
are frequency independent; in this case, they are both applicable in wideb


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