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. 优选-
第三节 船长阅读练****br/>1. Failing to identify pre-shipment damage and neglecting to make appropriate notations on bills of lading will deprive the carrier of his rights,limitations and immunities under the contract of carriage and may prejudice Club cover.Assertions are sometimes made by cargo interests that rust on a particular shipment is normal and will not affect its market value.Such comments should be disregarded.In all cases where a steel cargo is found to be rusty,it is imperative that remarks are made on the bills of lading,irrespective of the apparent severity of the rust.The bills of lading should also be claused to reflect any physical pre-shipment damage to the steel and/or wrappers(bends,tears,crimps,dents,deformation,crushing).Selecting the most appropriate clauses to describe pre-shipment damage is not always easy,and the attending surveyor should be consulted for advice.
Where possible,the clausing should list the identification marks of the damaged GOODs,failing which the number of coils or packages should be quantified.Percentage estimates regarding the number of damaged pieces should not be given
. 优选-
.If it is not possible to identify the damaged GOODs specifically,the words“some”or“several”may be acceptable.Any differences found between the ship and shore tally or ship and bill of lading figures must be noted on the bill of lading in the usual manner.
clausing on B/L is to reflect and make notation of ________ the cargoes and/or their wrappers.
A.all damages incurred during the carriage by sea to
B.all possible damages to and/or losses of
C.physical pre-shipment damages to
D.pre-shipment damages to
pre-shipment rusts for which there are assertions made by carg


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