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文档介绍:Roberta di Camerino 皮件保养手册 Fine leather products care handbook Roberta 产品售后保养办法: Roberta 商品,即随产品附赠 Roberta 保养手册一份。 ,我们也有配套的保养品可供选择。 3. 凡购买 Roberta 皮具产品的顾客都可以享受终身保养皮具的待遇,凭产品的信誉卡可以定期或不定期到 Roberta 专卖店进行皮具保养。 Roberta Leather Products Maintenance Policies: 1. With every purchase of Roberta products, you will receive a Roberta Product Care Handbook. 2. With full range of leather care product can be sell 3. With every purchase of Roberta leather products, you will receive lifetime maintenance of the product. You may visit selected Roberta leather goods retailers for maintenance services, with the presentation of the valid product ’s warranty vard. 注意事项: 皮革吸收力强,应注意防污,高档磨砂真皮尤其要注意; 皮革长时间闲置不用时,应定期用护理用品给皮料和金属件进行保养; 皮具应放至阴凉处保存,防晒、防潮; 皮具应以直立方向收藏; 皮具使用时,避免直接接触手霜,香水以及化妆品; 皮具受潮或打湿,必须在皮包内装满纸张,自然晾干,避免直接加热; 绒***和丝绒布料去污不能用水,要用干净的毛刷梳理; 如有发现任何洞孔、破烂烧损现象,不要擅自修补,请联系专业服务人员。 Care Instruction: Fine genuine leather shall be kept away from dust, especially high grade suede. When a fine leather product is not used for a long period of time, it shall be maintained periodically to preserve its optimal quality. Fine leather products shall be preserved ina cool environment, away from sunlight and moist. Fine leather products shall be stored in standing/vertical position When in use fine leather products shall be kept away from hand cream, perfume, and other cosmetic products. In the event that