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1. 10年后,那个腼腆的瘦小男孩变成一个自信漂亮的小伙。Ten years later, the shy and thin boy turned to a confident and handsome young man
2. 1974年中国考古学家在西安挖掘出兵马俑。1n 1974 chinese archaeologists unearthed the pottery army in xi'an
3. 阿尔弗雷德诺贝尔被认为是最伟大化学家发明家之一。Alfred nobel is regarded as one of the greatest chemists and inventors
4. 奥运会中最重要的事不是获胜而是参与。The most important thing in olympic games is nit to win but to take part
5. 把电话号码留给我,以便与你们联系。Give me your telephone number so that i can connect with you
6. 爸爸说他以最好价格买了这两汽车。May father said that he had bought the car at the best price
7. 帮助他使我们职责。It's our duty to help him
8. 彼德给她写了一封信。Peter wrote her a letter
9. 必须马上把病人送到医院。The patient must be sent to hospital right away
10. 毕业后我将回国,尽可能学好英语。After graduation, i'll go abroad to learn english as well as i can
11. 别担心你的花草,在你度假期间我会照看它们。Don't worry about your flowers. I'll take care of them while you are out
12. 并非所有求职者都了解这些技巧。Not all job seekers know these skills
13. 波琳能够干得比你好一点。Paulin can do better than you do
14. 不管你在什么地方,我都能找到你。Wherever you are, i can find you
15. 不仅是我们班同学,而且别班同学也兴奋喊叫。Not only are all the students of pur class shouting excitedly, but also the students of other classes
16. 不久就证明电脑有助于改进他们的服务。It was soon proved that computers could help improve their services
17. 不要把那只玻璃杯放在桌边。Don't put the glass on the edge of the table
18. 不要担心你母亲,她很快会好。Please don't worry about your mother. She will be well soon
19. 不要满足于对功课的浅尝辄止,只求及格。Don't be content to just skim over courses with '' only to pass'' in mind
20. 不要让自己的探索局限于与自己专业直接相关的科目。Let yourself explore beyond your immediate career objectives
21不要忘了在上学路上把信寄了。Don’t forget to drop off the letter on your way to school
22布莱克先生和他女儿进行了一次谈话。Mr. Black had a conversation with his daughter
23成功的语言学****者能以更快的速度学会一门语言。Successful language learners can pick up a new language more quickly
24乘了8个小时飞机后我感觉有点累。I felt a bit tired after an 8-hour flight


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