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林家沟村到马家沟村二级公路设计 毕业设计.doc

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林家沟村到马家沟村二级公路设计 毕业设计.doc

上传人:酒酿小樱桃 2016/7/23 文件大小:0 KB


林家沟村到马家沟村二级公路设计 毕业设计.doc



文档介绍:******* 本科毕业设计林家沟村到马家沟村二级公路设计 Lin Jia Gou village s to Ma Jia Gou villages secondary road design 学生姓名: ****** 学院: 城市建设学院专业: **** 道路与桥梁******** 班级: ***** 学号: ********** 指导教师: ****** 审阅教师: ****** 完成日期: 独创性说明本毕业设计是我个人在指导教师指导下进行的研究工作及取得研究成果。尽我所知,除了文中特别加以标注和致谢的地方外,毕业设计中不包含其他人已经发表或撰写的研究成果,也不包含为获得辽东学院或其他单位的学位或证书所使用过的材料。与我一同工作的同志对本研究所做的贡献均已在论文中做了明确的说明并表示了谢意。作者签名: ___________ 日期: __ __ - I- 摘要概括设计地区的自然环境和地质情况。然后提出设计时所需要的规范文件,包括选线标准;平面设计要求;纵断面设计要求;横断面设计和路基路面设计的要求等一些规范。本设计是对林家沟到马家沟村二级公路方案设计。设计内容主要包括路线的平面设计;纵横断面设计;路基路面设计;挡土墙横断面结构和挡土墙伸缩缝防护工程等设计, 最后要按照相关规范对道路进行保护的边坡防护、边沟防护和排水等设施进行设计。计算内容是对交通量的计算;平曲线和缓和曲线的计算;纵断面设计的计算;横断面的计算;路基路面结构的计算;最后是对挡土墙稳定性计算和土方量的计算。关键词:二级公路;平面设计;防护工程- II- Lin Jia Gou village s to Ma Jia Gou village s secondary road design Abstract To illustrate the design area of the natural environment and geological conditions. And then put forward the specification documents needed in design, including the selection of standard; graphic design requirements; longitudinal section design requirements; cross-sectional design, subgrade and pavement design requirements and some other specification. This design is the design of Lin Jia Gou to Ma Jia Gou Cun secondary road project. The design content mainly includes graphic design course; vertical section design; design of subgrade and pavement; retaining wall structure and cross section slit blocking protection engineering design of wall expansion, finally to slope protection, side ditch drainage and protection facilities to protect the road in accordance with the relevant specification design. Method is to calculate the traffic volume; calculation of horizontal curve and transition curve; calculation of longitudinal section design; cross-sectional calculation; calculation of subgrade and pavement structure; finally is to calculate the retaining wall stability and calculation of earthwork volume. Key word :S econdary R oads ; Plane Design ; Protective Structure - III - 目录摘要...............................................


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