文档介绍:某学校宿舍楼设计论文摘要建筑设计是指建筑物在建造之前,设计者按照建设任务,把施工过程和使用过程中所存在的或可能发生的问题,事先作好通盘的设想,拟定好解决这些问题的办法、方案,用图纸和文件表达出来充分满足建筑物的各种使用要求。随着人民生活水平的日益提高,教育事业的大力支持,学生的住宿条件也一直备受关注,认真贯彻“适用、安全、经济、美观”的原则,但面对日益完善的教育制度,学生的学习生活环境就成了最亟待解决的问题。本设计是某学校宿舍楼,层高六层:宿舍坐北朝南,其建筑面积约 , 采用砖混结构,在设计过程中,主要对建筑平面进行了布置,并结合建筑、结构有关规范仔细研究其内部构造,通过这次毕业设计工作,进一步掌握了建筑设计的基本步骤和方法,为以后的工作打下了坚实的基础, 达到了理论和实践相结合的目的。关键词学生宿舍楼/学生宿舍楼设计/建筑施工管理/砖混结构 Design ofa student dormitory Papers Abstract Architectural design ofa building under construction prior to construction tasks in accordance with the designer, the construction process and the use of the process exists, or problems that might arise in advance prepare prehensive vision to develop better ways to solve these problems, programs, with expressed in drawings and documents to fully meet the different uses of the building requirements. With the increasing living standards, education, support the cause, students modation has also been concern, seriously implement the "applicable, security, economic, aesthetic" principle, but the face of increasingly improved education system, students Learning the living environment has e the most urgent problems. The design is ofa secondary school dormitory-storey five-story: a dormitory, faces south, its construction area is about , use of brick-concrete structure, in the design process, the main plane of the building was arranged in conjunction with construction, structure of norms careful study of its internal structure, through the graduate design work, to further understand the architectural design of the basic steps and methods for future work to lay a solid foundation to achieve bination of theory and practice purposes. KEY WORDS student dormitory / student dormitory building design / construction management / brick-concrete structure 目录中文摘要……………………………………………………………………… III 英文摘要……………………………………………………………………… IV 目录……………………………………………………………………………… 1 1. 设计说明………………………………………………………………… 3 设计依据…………………………………………………………… 3 工程概况……………………………………………