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文档介绍:English for Academic Purposes (2013)
Amazon’s Logistics management system
Chaocong Zhuang
De Valera
08 .Aug. 2013
, Inc. is an merce (merce) in America. It is one of the world’s largest online retailers. Statistics by Spiro showed that pany had sold products in all 50 states and in 45 countries in 2009, like America, Canada, and United Kingdom (Spiro, 2009). Amazon started as an online bookstore, then modities were on sale, like electronic products, furniture, food, and sports goods, etc. Since 2002, it has earned the fat profit (Barney, 2012). Because of the and information bubble ( bubble) from 1997 to 2000, many panies went bankrupt, but Amazon survived (Johnson, 2010). The main factor leads to ess of Amazon is Logistics transportation, which was treated as one of the largest obstacles in the development of merce. This essay will discuss the features of logistics management in Amazon, and analyze how Amazon eeds due to its specific logistics management.
In the tough time of merce ( bubble), Amazon’s strategy was unusual, it did not make any profits in these years. A case study from Chaffey, Amazon put forward an innovative promotion strategy – providing the delivery service for free. If consumers purchase certain price modities, they will receive free-shipping service (Chaffey 2012). This measure promoted greatly the consumer’s passion in shopping online, and reassure


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