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上传人:慢慢老师 2021/12/14 文件大小:15 KB





Title:Technology Management of strategies for organic Food Industry Expansion in China
Major:Technical Economics and Management
Academic evaluation.
This paper which tries to put forward Chinese business model of organic food market, based on referring the business model of organic food industry in America and combined with the analysis of the organic food market in China, then conducted a preliminary qualitative and quantitative analysis of the consumer demand and the target customer group. Overall, although this paper may have some practical significance, but on the whole, there is little contribution for business model and consumer behavior theory. This paper also lacks literature review and only makes some situational innovation.
From the reliability of research, the paper lacks of method introduction chapter, and the methods introduction scattered through chapters. At the same time, the paper also lacks of reliability description of case study and online survey. Such as how to choose a representative case and the sample in quantitative analysis. Which method should select in the data collection. How to determine the sampling range. How to measure nonresponse bias. How to analyze the qualitative data.
Conclusion: This paper has some practical innovation, but insufficiency in theoretical innovation, besides should strengthen research methods.


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