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浅析交通肇事罪 毕业论文.doc

上传人:酒酿小樱桃 2016/7/26 文件大小:0 KB


浅析交通肇事罪 毕业论文.doc


文档介绍:1 浅析交通肇事罪摘要: 交通肇事罪是我国刑法中的一个重要罪名,随着我国社会主义市场经济的发展,人民生活水平的日益提高,我国的机动车数量急剧膨胀,由此引发的交通事故发生率日趋增高,给人民群众的生命财产造成了极大的威胁,已经成为一个严峻的社会问题。特别是近几年,特大恶性交通事故、群死群伤交通事故频频出现,在一定程度上影响了社会的稳定和人民群众的安全感。我国刑法第 133 条规定:交通肇事罪是指违反交通运输管理法规,因而发生重大事故,致人重伤、死亡或者使公私财产遭受重大损失的行为。本文从司法实践需要出发,结合各学者的观点,首先介绍了交通肇事罪的概念和特征,其次是交通肇事罪与相邻犯罪的界限、交通肇事罪中的逃逸问题分析,最后对交通肇事罪中的法律责任作了简单讨论, 以期望对司法实践产生积极的作用。关键词:交通肇事罪; 特征; 逃逸; 法律责任 Analyses traffice offences Abstract : the traffice offences isour country criminal law in China, an important charges with the development of the socialist market economy, the people's standard of living increased number of vehicles, rapid expansion in China, which caused the traffic accident rate increased to the masses, increasing the life and property caused a great threats, has e a serious social problem. Especially in recent years, extra-large malignant traffic accident, the group of dead, injured in the traffic accident, appear to some extent affect social stability and people's security. Our country criminal law the 133 regulation: traffice offences refers to violate the traffic transportation management regulations and thus a serious accident, causing serious injury or death on people or caused heavy losses of public or private property behavior. This paper, combining with judicial practice need each scholars point, firstly introduces the concept and characteristic of traffice offences, followed by traffice offences and adjacent the boundary of the crime of the runaway problem, traffice 2 offences analysis, finally the legal responsibility of traffice offences made simple discussion, to expect to produce a positive role in judicial practice. Key words : Traffice offences ; features ; escape ; legal responsibility 近年来,随着社会主义市场经济的日趋繁荣和发展,道路交通运输业发展十分迅速,机动车辆和非机动车辆的数量猛增,随之而来的交通事故也在逐年上升。从200 9 年12月成都的孙伟铭醉酒驾车撞死 4人案,到5月7日杭州的胡斌飙车在斑马线上撞死谭卓案,到6月30日南京的醉酒司机张明宝驾车撞死 5人案,到8月4日杭州的魏志刚酒后驾车撞死马芳芳案,再到 2010 年10 月李启铭河北大学飙车案,无辜行人被撞的悲剧一再上演。交通肇事案件在我国屡增不减,引发人们对法律在交通肇事上规定的思考。一、交通肇事罪的概念和特征: (一)交通肇事罪的概念: 1997 年3月14 日第八届全国人民