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文档介绍:蒙城县职高高三第二次月考英语试卷(职) 班级: 姓名: 得分: 一:搭配( 10) 工科类学生选做: 1. safety vest A. 刀架 2. automobile B. 工件 3. panel C. 键盘 4. connector D. 万用表 5. work piece E. 汽车 6. keyboard F. 面罩 7. assembly line G. 安全背心 8. multimeter H. 面板,仪表盘 9. face shield I. 连接器 10. tool carrier J 装配线,流水线服务类学生选做: delivery A. 速记 B. 畅销 C. 货到付款 D. 线路不通 market E. 财务总监 on delivery F. 特价品 card G.. 快递 lineH. 国际长途直拨 goods I. 论坛 J. 名片二:单选( 30) good friend is someone _____makes you ______. A which; happy B who; happily C who; happy D whose; happily 2. He didn ’t go to the party not ______the time but _____he was ill. A because of, because B because, because C because, because ofD because of, because of 3. He got there ____ the afternoon of July 10 th. A. in C. at 4. We need wear the sunglasses to protect our eyes ___ the sunlight. A. away B. with C. for D. from didn ’t mind ____ all my spare time ___ the sick old man . A. to give, to help B. to give , helping C. giving, to help D. giving, helping is_______ 18-year-old girl and she studies at_________ Beijing University. ,the , the , \,\ Mr. Brown has many stamps, _______? ’ ’the _______ the enemy _______ out _______ the Eighth Route Army men were informed. , start, when B.\,started, then , started, when , start, then the teacher said _______ it. noeffect noeffect in noeffect noeffects on 10. Nobody agrees tohis plan _______ all the members ofthe club stay inthe country for aweek. D.\ 11. The building ________ last year was destroyed inthe earthquake. built 12. Iwould rather he________ now. leave 13. Their robot isdifferent ______ ours, but yours isalmost the same ______ ours. , , from , , from 14. Hedrives _______ than hedid before the a