文档介绍:论 著 2021 年 7 月下旬 Healthmust-Readmagazine《健康必读》
王 敬 李 琳 张丽娜
(青岛滨海学院附属医院,山东 青岛 266000)
【摘 要】目的:探析新生儿病区护理风险管理方法与效果。方 法:采取随机分组方式,对照组采取常规护理措施,观察组采取新生儿病区风险管理,对比两组数据应用价值。结 果:
观察组护理缺陷发生率(臀红、液体渗出、溢奶误吸、总发生率),分别为 %、%、%、%;观察组护理满意度 %、护理及格率 %。对照组护理缺陷发生率(臀
红、液体渗出、溢奶误吸、总发生率),分别为 %、%、%、%;对照组护理满意度 %、护理及格率 %。两组数据对比,差异显著(P<)。结论:新生儿
Abstract: Objective: To explore the method and effect of nursing risk management in neonatal ward. Methods: the control group was given routine nursing measures, and the
observation group was given neonatal ward risk management. Results: the incidence of nursing defects in the observation group (buttock red, liquid exudation, spilled milk aspiration, total
incidence) were %, %, %, %, respectively; the nursing satisfaction rate and nursing pass rate of the observation group were % and %, respectively. In the