文档介绍:I 摘要世界经济发展的主体从信息产业转向能源产业,中国能源的开发利用推进国内经济的发展。能源供应持续增长,为中国社会经济发展提供重要支撑。近年来外商在华能源投资的政策使能源资源投资的领域和范围扩大。三井物产中国将投资重心转向资源、能源和环保领域。本文在文献研究的基础上,对三井物产公司在华能源投资的概况进行了阐述;通过查阅相关资料,并结合三井物产公司的特点,将在华能源投资策略分成了五个部分依次分析: 在华能源投资项目、在华能源投资策略、在华能源投资策略特点、在华能源投资存在的问题以及相应的在华能源投资建议。其中,在回顾三井物产公司和在中国的投资历史的基础上,分析三井物产对华能源投资策略特点;将投资策略分为进入选择、时机选择、区位选择和规模选择,并结合三井物产公司在华能源投资状况对四个特征进行详细地分析,分别总结为低持股的三人四脚型联合进入策略、利用有利政治时机开展项目布局策略、率先投资中国中西部的区位策略和项目规模多样化策略。最后针对三井物产公司在华能源业务存在的问题,结合所分析的文献,提出了几个三井物产公司改善在华投资的策略,扩大中西部投资、加强能源市场公关、适量增大投资比重。关键词: 三井物产,能源,在华直接投资,投资策略 II A bstract With the main stream of the world economy turning to the energy business from the information industry, energy e xploitation greatly sets up the economic boom . Energy is the material basis of economic development .The energy investment of the Japanese general pany increase s year by year in energy industry of China. We analysis the Japanese general pany Mitsui & Co. and pany 'se nergy investment strategy in China , because of the long-term risk on energy investment and the rights of the host country. Strategic management is a systematic project for multinational as well as Japanese Mitsui & Co. Abilities to adapt to dynamic environment from exterior and interior are essential for strategic management in the sense of petence. Here we first research on the investment history of the one of panies in energy industry. T hen, ta king the case of Chinese envir