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Data Warehousing Fundamentals.ppt

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Data Warehousing Fundamentals.ppt

上传人:管理资源吧 2011/12/28 文件大小:0 KB


Data Warehousing Fundamentals.ppt


文档介绍:Data Warehousing Fundamentals
Tell us about yourself:
What is your name pany?
What is your role in anization?
What is your level of Oracle expertise?
Why are you considering building a data warehouse?
What is your data warehouse experience?
What are your expectations for this class?
Course Objectives
pleting this course, you should be able to do the following:
Describe the role of business intelligence (BI) and data warehousing in today’s marketplace
Describe data warehousing terminology and the various technologies that are required to implement a data warehouse
Explain the implementation anizational issues surrounding a data warehouse project
Identify data warehouse modeling concepts
Explain the extraction, transformation, and loading processes for building a data warehouse
Course Objectives
Identify management and maintenance processes that are associated with a data warehouse project
Describe methods for refreshing warehouse data
Explain warehouse metadata concepts
Identify tools that can be employed at each stage of the data warehouse project
Describe user profiles and techniques for querying the warehouse
Identify methods and tools for accessing and analyzing warehouse data
1. Business Intelligence and Data Warehousing
2. Defining Data Warehouse Concepts and Terminology
3. Planning and Managing the Data Warehouse Project
4. Modeling the Data Warehouse
5. Building the Data Warehouse: Extracting Data
6. Building the Data Warehouse: Transforming Data
7. Building the Data Warehouse: Loading Warehouse Data
8. Refreshing Warehouse Data
9. Leaving a Metadata Trail
Managing and Maintaining the Data Warehouse
Lesson 1
Let’s Get Started
Lesson 1 Objectives
pleting this lesson, you should be able to do the following:
Describe the role of business intelligence in today’s marketplace
Describe why an online transaction processing system (OLTP) is not suitable for analytical reporting
Describe how


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