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上传人:cjl201702 2021/12/18 文件大小:72 KB





文档介绍:终沉池 Sedimentation Tank
平面尺寸为 ①50m的圆池,,〜,拟采用 无粘结预应力结构,壁板硅标号为 C40,用①400mm的沉管灌注桩 抗浮,由于场地开阔且基底下为③-1层粉质粘土,基坑可按一定的坡 度进行放坡开挖,但基底已接近④层土,该层为细砂,含水量丰富, 渗水性强,且具承压性,施工时务必采取可靠的降水措施,谨防产生 涌砂现象。
The plane diameter is about 50m, the upground part is and the underground part is ~ . We plan to select concrete tank structure prestressed with unbonded tendons. The concrete class is C40. We plan to select ① 400 pile foundation to prevent
from flotage. The field is plane and the subgrade is layer ③-1 (powder-clay, so the earthwork can be dug according to a certain slope. However, the bottom of tanks is closed to soil layer ④ (silver sand, the layer ④ has abundant groundwater, the infiltration coefficient k of soil is big and the groundwater received pressure, so reliable measures must be adopt while digging.
消化池 Digestion Tank
消化池有2组、平面直径约20m,地上部分28m,地下部分5m。计 划采用无粘法预应力水池结构。拟采用 中800桩基础。桩基础施工和
The digestion tanks have 2 groups. The plane diameter is about 20m, the upground part is 28m and the undergroud part is 5m. We plan to select ① 800 pile foundation. Much attention must be paid to groundwater and reliable measures must be selected during constructing pile foundation and digging.
粗格栅及进水泵房 Coarse Screen And Raw Sewage Pumping Station
平面尺寸约25m*35m ,此构筑物分为三部分:粗格栅,进水提升泵 池,设备机房。粗格栅,进水提升泵池为地下式水池,深约 8米,钢
(9m*32m为钢筋硅框架结构,筏板基础。构筑物自重可以满足抗浮要 求,构筑物主要以③-1层粉质粘土为持力层。基坑采用放坡开挖,并 应采取有效降水措施。
The plane dimension is about 25m*35m,the building is made up of three parts: coarse screen and raw sewage pumping station are underground tanks, the depth is about , and it is reinforced concrete structure. A stretching slot is set between the coarse screen and the raw sewage pumping station. Reinforced concrete structure and raft plate foundation are adopted in the equipment house. The building ' s deadweight can counteract the flotage. The subgrade is layer ③-1 (powder-clay, the foundation pit can be scooped accordi