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文档介绍:铁路旅客管理信息系统规划邱英俊摘要本文通过对列车客票的发展、列车客票管理信息系统现状以及铁路旅客服务与管理现状分析,提出结合身份证实行铁路旅客客票实名制,构建新的铁路旅客信息管理系统。铁路旅客信息管理系统由列车客票销售信息系统组成、旅客进出站管理信息系统组成和列车上的旅客管理信息系统组成。该系统具有一定的社会效益和经济效益。将有利于交通部门和社会科学研究部门监控人口流动情况,合理调配运输力量,研究社会政治、经济、文化对人口流动的影响;有利于国家应对突发事件,便于跟踪和控制流行病传染源;有利于打击犯罪、追捕逃犯,维护社会秩序。同时对铁路运输部门产生可观的经济效益:降低人员劳动强度,提高铁路客运服务管理质量;减少人力投入,提高经济效益。关键词: 铁路旅客信息;铁路管理信息系统;火车票实名制 A bstract This text passes the development, the railroad train guest ticket of the ticket to manage the information system present condition and railroad a passenger the service and the management present condition analysis to the railroad train guest, putting bining the ID card execution railroad a passenger a guest a ticket solid system, setting upa new railroad passenger the information management system. Railroad passenger information management system from the railroad train guest ticket the sale information system constitute, the passenger pass in and out the station management information system to constitute to manage the information system to constitute with the passenger on the railroad train. That system has the certain social performance and economic performance. Will be advantageous to the transportation section and the social science research department to supervise and control the population fluxion circumstance, reasonable dispensation conveyance strength, study a society politics 、 economy 、 culture to population flow of influence; Be advantageous to the nation replies abrupt affairs, easy to follow and control an epidemic infection source; be advantageous to the stroke crime and pursue and arrest escaped convict, support social order. Produce considerable economic performance to the railroad conveyance section in the meantime: Lower the personnel labors strength, raising the railroad passenger transportation service management quality; reduce the manpower devotion, raise an economic performance. Key words: railway passenger information; railway management information system; personalized the train ticket 目录


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