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上传人:小雄 2021/12/19 文件大小:84 KB





文档介绍:附:♦活动设计案例(含英文排版格式要求示范): 案例1:活动开展过程用陈述性语言描述
Activity One: Guessing game
Teaching content:
New words: monkey, tiger, lion, panda, elephant, gorilla
Sentence structures:
Do you like animals?
Yes, I do./No, I don't.
What kind of animals do you like.
I like very much. I don't like.....
And what about you? Do you like....?
Introduction: In order to review and consolidate what the students learned in last period, the teacher applies the Situational Approach to design a scene “talking and guessing the animals one's like and dislike ” to this activity named “Guessing game” at the beginning of the class. In this 15-minute's activity, the students are asked to use the words and sentence patterns to play the game according to the rules. Some animal pictures and cards will be used in this activity. It is a good chance for the students to practice using what they learned and develop their speaking ability.
Teaching Steps/ Procedures:
Step 1: The teacher shows the class some animal pictures and gets the class to say out the animals on the picture together.
step 2: To get some students to go to the front of the class and play as the teacher , who points at the picture and says out the animals on the picture like this"This is a monkey", to check whether the students can say out the words they learned in last period.
step 3: The teacher tells the class to be going to play a game na


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