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trans (left) radial interventions – a single center experience参考-论文.pdf

上传人:惜春文档 2021/12/21 文件大小:188 KB


trans (left) radial interventions – a single center experience参考-论文.pdf



文档介绍:indian heart journal 67 (2015) s49–s71 S57
– similar to open surgical approach. We here summarize the single
Trans (left) radial interventions A center outcome and feasibility of EVAR in India in recent years.
single center experience Objective: In this study, we assessed the feasibility, short and
intermediate outcome, and complications of EVAR in a tertiary
R. Girish *, S. Garg care hospital of Eastern India.
Materials and methods: We had 11 patients with abdominal aortic
Dept of Cardiology, Command Hospital Central Command, Lucknow aneurysm in last 2 year. Prominent male preponderance was
Cantt 226002, UP, India found, with 8 (72%) out of 11 were male. Eight out of them were
smoker, 7 patients were hypertensive. Three patients were dia-
Radial access angiography and angioplasty has increased in popu- betic. Out of 11, nine patients underwent