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上传人:流星蝴蝶龙泉剑 2021/12/21 文件大小:21 KB





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辅音和 5 个短元音的练****br/>(一) The Odd Pet (ch,sh,th)奇怪的宠物
Kim has a cat. Jim has a dog. But Viv has an odd pet. It is a zog!Not a cat, not a dog, but a zog! The zog is fat. It has ten red legs. It can run and hop. It can sit and beg. The zog has lots of eggs! The zog sits on the eggs. It sits and sits. Tap, tap, tap, tap , tap, tap! Lots of zogs!
a zog? ”Kim asked. “ Yes,butno yet. ”“ CanI have a zog? ”Jim asked.
“ Yes, but not yet. ” Now Kim has a cat and a zog. Jim has a dog and a zog. And Viv has ten zogs!
(二) Miss!Miss! (ll,ss,ff,zz)老师!老师
Buzz off, Bill! I will tell Miss Hill! Miss! Miss! Bill has got my hat. Buzz off, Bill! Miss! Miss! Bill has got my pen. Buzz off, Bill! Miss! Miss! Bill has got the ball. Buzz off, Bill! Miss! Miss! Bill has got my pot. Buzz off, Bill! Miss! Miss! Bill is in a mess. Yes! The bell! Miss Hill gets on the bus. Miss Hill gets off the bus. Buzz off, Ross! Mum! Mum! Ross has got my doll!
(三) This and That (ch,sh,th)这和那
This is Mr Chan’s shop. Mr Chan sells pens, pads and maps. Tim is in
Mr Chan’s shop. Can I have that pen? Yes, Tim. This is Miss Thin’s shop.
Miss Thin sells eggs, nuts and carrots. Tim is in Miss Thin ’s shop. Can I
have some carrots? Yes, Tim. This is Mrs ship’s shop. Mrs ship sells jugs,
shells and chess sets. Tim is i