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雅诗兰黛:Every Woman is Beautiful.doc

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雅诗兰黛:Every Woman is Beautiful.doc


文档介绍:雅诗兰黛:Every Woman is Beautiful
Every Woman is Beautiful
The Estee panies Inc3>. is a manufacturer and marketer of skin care, makeup, fragrance and hair care products. Its products are sold in over 140 countries and territories under the brand names, which include Estee Lauder, Aramis, Clinique, Origins, MzAzC, Bobbi Brown, La Mer and Aveda.
pany was founded in 1946, New York, by Joseph Lauder and Estee lauder.
Estee lauder was one of the wealthiest
Self-made women in America.
Born in 1906, she was a Hungarian
immigrant in America.
She spent most of her childhood in her father’s hardware store. Here, she got
merchandising experience and helped her to be a essful retailer.
However it was her uncle who influenced her future business most.
He was a chemist and created face creams in his own laboratory.
ESTEE LAUDER a pioneer in free make-up demonstrations and giveaway samples.
ESTEE LAUDER believed in selling her products at the best department.
In 1948, pany started at Saks Fifth Avenue in New York city, an upscale store.
In 1953, Lauder introduced her first fragrance, Youth Dew.
In 1985, Lauder introduced ‘Beautiful’, which was a great ess.
In 2004, ESTEE LAUDER died of cardiopulmonary arrest, but her significance in beauty
industry remained.
Explaining her ess, ESTEE LAUDER said, “I have never worked a day in my life without selling. If I believe in something, I sell it, and I sell it hard.” This attitude, together with an promising belief in her product and the beauty in all women, made ESTEE LAUDER a respected household name.
Cosmetic: Bobbi Brown 芭比布朗
M??A??C 魅可
Tom ford 汤姆福特
Skin care: Clinique 倩碧
LA MER 海蓝之谜
Origins 品木宣言
Darphin 迪梵
Lab Series Skincare for Men
Rodan and Fields
Aveda 肯梦
fragrance :Jo Malone Tommy Hilfiger 唐美希绯格
DKNY 唐可娜儿
Aramis 雅男士