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上传人:薇薇安 2021/12/22 文件大小:30 KB




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Robot developed in recent decades as high-tech automated production equipment. Industrial robot is an important branch of industrial robots. It features can be programmed to perform tasks in a variety of expectations, in both structure and performance advantages of their own people and machines, in particular, reflects the people's intelligence and adaptability. The accuracy of robot operations and a variety of environments the ability to complete the work in the field of national economy and there are broad prospects for development. With the development of industrial automation, there has been CNC machining center, it is in reducing labor intensity, while greatly improved labor productivity. However, the upper and lower common in CNC machining processes material, usually still use manual or traditional relay-controlled semi-automatic device. The former time-consuming and labor intensive, inefficient; the latter due to design complexity, require more relays, wiring complexity, vulnerability to body vibration interference, while the existence of poor reliability, fault more maintenance problems and other issues. Programmable Logic Controller PLC-controlled robot control system for materials up and down movement is simple, circuit design is reasonable, with a strong anti-jamming capability, ensuring the system's reliability, reduced maintenance rate, and improve work efficiency.
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Robot technology related to mechanics, mechanics, electrical hydraulic technology, automatic control technology, sensor technology and computer technology and other fields of science, is a cross-disciplinary integrated technology.
First, An overview of industrial manipulator
Robot is a kind of positioning control can be automated and can be re-programmed to change in multi-functional machine, which has multiple degrees of freedom can be used to carry an object in order to complete the work in different environments. Low wages in China, plastic products industr


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