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物联网监控系统数据库软件设计 毕业论文.doc

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物联网监控系统数据库软件设计 毕业论文.doc

上传人:酒酿小樱桃 2016/7/30 文件大小:0 KB


物联网监控系统数据库软件设计 毕业论文.doc



文档介绍:I 物联网监控系统数据库软件设计摘要物联网是继计算机、互联网与移动通信网之后的又一次信息产业革命的浪潮,是一个全新的技术领域。传感网于 1999 年最先被提出,在“互联网概念”的基础上随后引申为物联网这一概念, 将其用户端延伸和扩展到任何物品与物品之间,进行信息交换和通信的一种网络概念。本次设计是通过 VB 编程软件来设计数据库软件,实现物联网监控系统的部分功能。通过串口通讯接收、存储数据并将其直接显示在可视的界面当中。该数据库软件具有实时存储功能,便于对信号进行分析和处理。在本设计中, 为了能实现人机的对话及随时了解系统的运行状况, 添加了报警功能。通过对物联网监控系统数据库软件设计的深入认识,它可以适用于智能家居及实验室监控等应用。由此加深了对智能物联网的了解。论文最后论述了用 VB 与 ACCESS 编写监控系统的设计过程。设计过程主要以上面的分析的重点作为依据。首先进行基础数据的采集,比如温度信息。在朝这个思想靠近的过程中,在许多小的细节上还存在着很多不足。关键词: 物联网( 简称 IOT) , ,数据库监控系统,温度,位置, II THE DESIGN OF IOT ( OF THINGS) DATABASE SOFTWARE MONITORING SYSTEM ABSTRACT “ of Things ” is follow puter, the and the work again after the revolution in information industry , which isa new technology. work was first proposed in 1999 , on the basis of its client extend and expand to any goods and goods between, the exchange of information munications, work concept. This design is through the VB programming software to design database software , to achieve some of the features in the IOT monitoring system . munications received by storage, data and directly display them in the visual interface. The data sources are received and described by VB and then displayed on the screen. All the data can be Real-time memory in order to analyze them. I design the interface circuit between the single chip and PC and Keep abreast of the health system , by adding alarm function in the system. Through the design of the system for in-depth understanding, this can be applied to intelligent home and lab monitoring applications. Thesis is it writes design process of the monitoring information system with VB with ACCESS to expound the fact finally. Design process as basis with above focal point of analysis mainly. Carry on the collection of the basic data at first, and then carry on the query data etc. of temperature. While close towards this thought, still there are a lot of defects ona lot of little details. KEY WORDS : of Things (shorter form IOT), , Database Monitoring System, Temperature, Position II


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