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英语手抄报:我母亲 My Mother.doc

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英语手抄报:我母亲 My Mother.doc

上传人:花双韵芝 2021/12/23 文件大小:36 KB


英语手抄报:我母亲 My Mother.doc



文档介绍:英语手抄报:我的母亲 My Mother
英语手抄报:我的母亲 My Mother
第2页 / 总合23页
英语手抄报:我的母亲 My Mother
英语手抄报:我的母亲 My Mother
  I came back to school after the summer vacation. As soon as I settled down, I made a phone call to my mother. When I talked to her, I could not hold back my tears. "After all," I said, "You’re my mother."   During the vacation, mother and I had a quarrel. After that we were unwilling to talk with each other. She thought I was her sweet daughter and I believed that she did not respect me. Then after few days, I left home. My mother gave me a full package of home-make food and she said to me, "I cook this morning, take this then you can have it on the train." However, I refuse to take it. I just turned away and slam the door without saying goodbye to my mother. I was still angry about her. "You’re still my good girl." My mother said in a low voice chocked with sob.   On the train I could not eat anything, I felt terrible. How I wish I had said sorry to my mother before I left. Now all I want to say is, will you forgive me, my dear mother?   暑期结束后,我回到了学校。我一稳固下来,我就马上打电话给我的母亲。当我和她说话时,眼睛止不住流了下来。我对她说,"毕竟,你是我的母亲。"   在假期的时候,我和妈妈吵了一架。从那此后我们都不肯意和对方说话了。她以为我不再是那个甜美可爱的女孩了。几日后,我就走开了家。走以前,妈妈给了我一大包自己做的食品,她对我说:"我今早煮的,你拿着在火车上吃吧。"而后,我拒绝了妈妈的一片好意。而后我转过身狠狠的摔上门走了。也没有对她说再会。我还在生她的气。"你仍旧是我的好女儿。"她用低落的声音哭泣着说。   在火车上我吃不下任何东西,我感觉很愧疚。我真希望在离家以前对我妈妈说声对不起啊。此刻我只想说:我最亲爱的母亲,你愿意谅解我么?
英语手抄报:我的母亲 My Mother
英语手抄报:我的母亲 My Mother
第3页 / 总合23页
英语手抄报:我的母亲 My Mother
  I came back to school after the summer vacation. As soon as I settled down, I made a phone call to my mother. When I talked to her, I could not hold back my tears. "After all," I said, "You’re my mother."   During the vacation, mother and I had a quarrel. After that we were unwilling to talk with each other. She thought I was her sweet daughter and I believed that she did not respect me. Then after few days, I left home. My mother gave me a full package of home-make food and she said to me, "I cook thi


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