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项目管理系统 毕业论文.docx

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项目管理系统 毕业论文.docx



文档介绍:本科毕业设计题目项目管理系统学生姓名专业名称计算机科学与技术指导教师 2014 年5月 20日教学单位计算机科学系学生学号 201096014007 编号 I 项目管理系统摘要: 伴随着科学技术的迅猛发展,综合国力的提升,我国的科学研究水平也在逐年提升和发展,我国高校的科研活动越来越受到国内外专家的高度重视。现在高校里已经配备了不少的计算机设备,但还是一个个独立的个体,没有充分利用在高校教师科研成果的管理上,并且高校教师的科研成果管理工作有的还停留在依赖手工的方式进行管理的阶段,管理系统不健全,所以存在教师科研成果信息收集和汇总不及时,甚至出现长时间不进行科研成果信息收集的现象。项目管理系统是由人、计算机、网络组成的能进行科研信息的搜集、传递、存贮、加工、维护和使用的系统,为日常事务的处理和管理职能提供重要支持。本次毕业设计使用了 java EE框架 Struts2 、Hibernate 、Spring 等,以及一些前台展示脚本,如 jQuery 、jQuery EasyUI 等。本次毕业设计通过完成一个项目管理系统,实现系科研项目、论文、著作、教材等科研信息的录入及维护,同时实现对教师和教师科研成果的有效管理,快速、准确的对相关信息进行查询。界面简洁大方,所有功能一目了然,易于使用人员操作,学****成本低。关键字: 项目管理系统;系统管理;教师管理;教材管理;项目管理 II Project Management System Abstract: With the rapid development of science and technology, enhance prehensive national strength, the level of scientific research and development has also increased year by year, more and more of university research activities by domestic and foreign experts are highly valued. Now a lotof colleges and universities have been equipped puter equipment, but still a separate entity, not fully utilized in the management of scientific research on university teachers, and university research administration and some teachers still remain dependent manner by hand stage management, the management system isnot perfect, so the presence of the teacher research information collected and aggregated in time, even for a long time without research information gathering phenomenon. Project Management S ystem is consist of the people, computer, work, which can collect, transmit, store, process, maintain, and use the research information. The system is able to reflect the real -time research activities in colleges and universities, and provide important support for the treatment and management of day -to-day affairs. The system uses a Java EE framework Struts2, Hibernate, Spring, as well as some of the front display script, such as jQuery, jQuery EasyUI and soon. I pleted the Design and Implementation of Research Achievements Management s ystem of Department based on the S