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文档介绍:Question 1
Concrete from a demolished building
Steel from a demolished building
Reference: O&M Glossary
Construction and demolition (C&D) debris is defined as: 'Waste and recyclables generated from construction, renovation, and demolition or deconstruction of preexisting structures.'
Rocks would be part of the excavation of the site area.
The steel and concrete are all debris that came from the existing building.
Drywall can come from an existing building or as scraps from new construction.
Hazardous materials, excavated soil (rocks) and land-clearing debris do not contribute to LEED credits but these items should still be addressed in a construction waste management plan.
Question 2
What should be included in a construction waste management plan?
Asbestos removal
Where construction debris will be diverted
Erosion control
The percent of recycled materials
The plan should include the goals of the team as well as what will be diverted, where to, and by whom.
Hazardous waste is not included and must be disposed of based on local codes.
Question 3
Show Answer Legend
A project team discovers a new way to avoid the heat island effect. How does the LEED certification process reward this new concept?
Heat Island Effect is covered by LEED, so no additional points would be given
An innovative performance point would be awarded
An exemplary performance point would be awarded
An extra Heat Island Effect point would be awarded
Innovative performance as part of the Innovation in Design or Operations category is meant for green building categories not specifically addressed by LEED. Innovation credits are not awarded for the use of a particular product or design strategy if the technology aids in the achievement of an existing LEED credit.
USGBC/GBCI uses the CIR process for cases like this. A CIR cou