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校园网计费系统的设计与实现 毕业论文.doc

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校园网计费系统的设计与实现 毕业论文.doc

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校园网计费系统的设计与实现 毕业论文.doc



文档介绍:渤海大学毕业论文(设计) 题目校园网计费系统的设计与实现完***姓名主修专业计算机应用所在院(系)渤海大学培训学院入学年度 2009 年完成日期 2010 年10月26日指导教师校园网计费系统的设计与实现摘要: 互联网技术的高速发展,使许多校园智能化成为现实,客户高速上网将是校园网建设的重要一块,但同时也面临着上网时间、流量、访问站点统计等诸多管理问题。由于高校网络节点众多,无法一体化管理众多的设备和用户。同时 IP 地址盗用、 IP 地址冲突、非法使用代理等问题日益严重,因此, 选择一个合理的校园网管理计费设备已成为校方考虑的重中之重。利用多种先进技术手段, 限制用户的不合理网络应用, 防止用户无限制的使用出口带宽, 如使用 BT、电驴等, 避免出口拥塞, 网络质量下降。国内领先的配合 x 协议的认证解决方案与 x 协议交换机配合, 实现具备特色的二次认证方案和混合认证方案,保证更广泛的认证和安全效果。对于计费和运营完全支持具备校园网运营特点的计费策略设置, 具备不同群体用户特征的访问权限设置,保证网络计费的准确性,可运营性。网关校园网认证计费解决方案采用高效率, 专业实时操作系统开发的宽带接入网关作为接入和转发设备,配合校园网认证计费系统实现对于校园网的认证、管理和计费功能。校园网自从拥有了管理计费设备, 不同部门不同用户在基本需求得到满足的基础上,还能充分享受自己网络偏好的选择, 更是可以方便快捷的做到对用户的有效控制和管理。关键词: 校园网; 计费; 协议 work Design and Implementation of Accounting System Abstract : T he rapid development of technology, make many campus intelligent e reality, customers high-speed work construction is an important piece, but also faced time, flow, the site statistics management issues. Due to the work nodes, not many integrated management of equipment and users. At the same time, work can quickly locate fault. The IP address of theft, IP address conflicts, a reasonable choice of work management toll-collection devices has e the consideration of priority. Use of advanced technology, restrict user unreasonable, prevent work applications use of unlimited bandwidth, such as the use of export, etc, to avoid its work congestion, export decline in the quality. The domestic leading x agreement with authentication solutions and x protocol realized with feature, switch of secondary certification scheme and mixed certification scheme, ensure the safety authentication and more widely. For billing and operation have different groups of users access features, guarantee the accuracy of the work, operation. Good customer relations management system, and effectively protect the user'work investment and after-sales service. Network gateways authentication billing solutions use efficiency, professional development of real-time operating sy