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学生信息管理系统 计算机毕业设计.doc

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学生信息管理系统 计算机毕业设计.doc

上传人:酒酿小樱桃 2016/7/31 文件大小:0 KB


学生信息管理系统 计算机毕业设计.doc



文档介绍:学生管理信息系统摘要随着信息技术在管理上越来越深入而广泛的应用,管理信息系统的实施在技术上已逐步成熟。管理信息系统是一个不断发展的新型学科, 任何一个单位要生存要发展, 要高效率地把内部活动有机地组织起来,就必须建立与自身特点相适应的管理信息系统。本文介绍了在 环境下采用“自上而下地总体规划,自下而上地应用开发”的策略开发一个管理信息系统的过程。通过分析某一学校学生管理的不足, 创建了一套行之有效的计算机管理学生的方案。文章介绍了学生管理信息系统的系统分析部分, 包括可行性分析、业务流程分析等; 系统设计部分主要介绍了系统功能设计和数据库设计及代码设计;系统实现部分说明了几个主要模块的算法, 本系统界面友好,操作简单,比较实用。【关键字】: 管理信息系统、学生管理、 应用。 Summary With more and more widespread and profound application of information technology in management, the implement of management information system has e mature in technology step by step. Managing information system isa new subject. Enterprise needs existence and development, so enterprise activities should anized efficiently anically, which means tightening up the enterprise management and strengthening effective management of any resource (staff, finance, property, etc.) internal the enterprise, and also establishing a management information system fitting in with its own characteristics. This article introduces the detailed process of exploring a management information system under the environment of , utilizing “ Top-Bottom ” overall plan and a strategy according to“ Bottom-Top ” application and exploitation. That is to establish a set of effective scheme for student management puter, through analyzing disadvantages of student management by human resources. This article emphasizes on three sections. The system analysis section of student management information includes feasible analysis, management function system design section mainly focuses on system function design and data base design and data number design. And the system realization section has provided several major function , together with the main windows and programs. This economical and pragmatic system has explicit interface, with simple operation. [Keywords] : MIS 、 student management 、 applicati on 一系统概述本学生信息管理系统可以说是一个综合性的学校学生管理系统,这它集成了学生学籍管理系统、学生成绩管理系统、学生档案管理系统、学生缴费管理系统等多种功能,因而具有较强的实用性和先进性。 系统及需求分析 .1系统需求通过调查,要求系统需要有以下功能: ⑴由于操作人员的计算机知识


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