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上传人:hnxzy51 2021/12/25 文件大小:24 KB




文档介绍:. .
地形平坦开阔,地层由第四系全新冲积层,第四系上更新统冲层组成,局部表覆第四系全新统人工堆积层。第四系全新统冲积层厚度约25~50m,岩性主要为黏土、粉质黏土、粉土、粉砂、细砂;第四系上更新统冲积层厚度大于50m,岩性主要为黏性土、粉土、粉细砂等。管桩深度X围内地层主要为:粉土、黏土、粉质黏土,局部表层为杂填土。coupling Centre shall be checked, the second poured concrete strength of more than 70%. In the process of reaming or boring, apart from the special provisions in factory, does not allow any work that may affect the coupling Centre, such as irrigation, to cylinder connections to flood the condenser pipes and so on. Well boring, hinge bolt hole flange with coupling of vertical, not oblique. Mounting bolts should be added lubricants, typing gently with a small hammer, not too loose or too tight, packed the bolts with the corresponding seal screw hole should be marked. coupling reamed and pairings is close to the diameter of bolt bearing good hinge holes, dressed with a good two coupling bolts before you can move the rotor, boring-reaming hole in turn. Coupling bolts must be tight coupling is symmetrical diameter, in boring, reaming, two bolts out. Well boring, hinge bolt hole flange with coupling of vertical, not oblique. Due to the coupling bolts in accordance with hinge holes corresponding to the diameter of the screw holes one by one after processing, processing back bolt installation location cannot be changed, so according to bolt af