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上传人:cjl201801 2021/12/26 文件大小:72 KB





文档介绍:In the symbolic view of management, managers are seen as directly responsible for anization ’ s ess or failure.
In the omnipotent view of management, much of anization ’ s ess or failure is due to forces outside management ’ s control.
anizational culture refers to a system of shared meaning.
Organizational cultures influence how employees behave in anization.
Strong cultures have moreinfluence on employees than do weakcultures. (True)
anization ’ s founder has little influence on its culture.
Rituals are repetitive sequences of activities that express and reinforce the key values of anization.
Organizational stories typically contain a narrative regarding significant events or people.
To increase customer responsiveness, organizations should hire employees who are outgoing and friendly.
To encourage a customer-responsive culture, organizations should formalize and enforce strict customer service policies.
The general environment refers to environmental factors operating inside anization.
The part of the environment directly related to achievement of anization ’ s goals is the specific environment.
Industry conditions are an example of anization ’ s general environment.
Economic conditions are part of anization ’ s specific environment.
Which of the follo


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