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文档介绍:2012 年伦敦奥运会 2012 年伦敦奥运吉祥物揭晓, 左边橙色的是温洛克, 左边蓝色的是残奥会吉祥物曼德威尔, 摆出了田径明星博尔特的经典造型。这一对在宣传片中据说是由奥运场馆主结构剩下的最后两滴钢水铸化而成。 London, 2012: Olympic mascot Wenlock, left, and Mandeville, the Paralympic mascot, strike an Usain Bolt- esque pose. The pair are said to have been created from the last drops of steel left over from the construction of the final support girder for the Olympic Stadium 2008 年北京奥运会上一届奥运会的吉祥物福娃,从左到右依次象征:鱼、熊猫、奥运圣火、藏羚羊和燕子。 Beijing, 2008: 'Fuwa' mascots. From left to right: the fish, the panda, the Olympic flame, the Tibetan antelope and the swallow 2004 年雅典奥运会雅典奥运吉祥物费沃斯和雅典娜在马拉松起点纪念大厦前摆出造型。在希腊神话中, 费沃斯是太阳和音乐之神,与既是智慧女神又是雅典城守护神的雅典娜是兄妹。 Athens, 2004: Phevos and Athena pose next to the edifice marking the starting point of the Olympic marathon. Greek mythology had it that Phevos and Athena are brother and sister, named after two Greek gods: Phevos, the god of light and music, and Athena, goddess of wisdom and patron of the city of Athens 2000 年悉尼奥运会悉尼选出了三种澳洲本土动物作为奥运会吉祥物: 悉德——鸭嘴兽, 米利——针鼹猬和奥利——笑翠鸟——为了奥运会这只小鸟也不在树上待着了,下地欢迎四方来客。 Sydney, 2000: Three native Australian animals Syd (Sydney) the platypus , Millie (Millennium) the echidna and Olly (Olympic) the kookaburra , who this time isn't sitting in an old wood tree 1996 年亚特兰大奥运会 1996 年奥运会上的伊兹是第一个由电脑设计完成的吉祥物,它是一个无定形的抽象幻想作品,之所以叫“ Izzy ”是来源于“ What is it?”(这是什么?)的发音,因为没人知道这到底是什么东西。 Atlanta, 1996: Izzy was the first mascot designed puter. It