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my dream
when I was little years old, I thought that the greatest person is teacher, because they know many things that I cant t understand at that time, therefore I want to become the person like
teacher. As I grow older, I I knew, teacher is one kind of occupation, teacher possibly will also make mistakes, teacher will also have the thing that he/she do not understand, therefore my
dream changes, I had my future to be a scientist, because I knew that teacher's knowledge comes from scientist, the most important is that I thought scientist know everything and with
respection of many people. Among the people I knew, no one is scientist, I had wanted to become a unique person. And I understand clearly that to be a scientist is not easy. If a person wants
to be a scientist, He/she needs to read many books, but my school score was not that well. Therefore I changed my dream once again, my anticipation of the future is to be a businessman, on the
one hand I thought that I should take responsibility to the built up of my family, I realized that we need money to support a good life, this has also been the mine idea environment instilled
to me. As far as I Know. I am not sure that I should to be a merchant or a teacher, in other words I have no idea of my future occupation. So I need to do the things below.
• Self assessment
I quit understood that the self assessment i