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文档介绍:1 /16 --------------------------------------------- 感谢观看本文------- 谢谢----------------------------------------------------------- [ 标签: 标题]2016 面试中英文问题面试中英文问题面试中英文问题| 2015-11-03 14:1 5 教你回答面试刁钻的 12大问题(中英文) #e# job interview answer: why were you fired? 工作面试回答:为什么你会被解雇? best answers to why you were fired 回答你为什么会被解雇的最佳答案 fired from your job? don ’tknow what to say in an interview?career expert and author, joyce lain kennedy, shares her twelvebest job interview answers to the question “ why were youfired? ”被解雇了吗? 不知道在面试中应该怎么说? 职场专家 joyce lainkenned y 分享了她关于该问题的12个最佳答案. joyce lain kennedy ’s sample answers to the interview question ” why were you fired? ” joyce lain kennedy 关于面试问题”你为什么会被解雇”的参考答案 cut loose was a blessing in disguise. now i have anopportunity to explore jobs that better suit my qualifications andinterests. my research suggests that such an opportunity may be theone on your table. would 2 /16 --------------------------------------------- 感谢观看本文------- 谢谢----------------------------------------------------------- [ 标签: 标题]2016 you like to hear more about my skills inworking with new technology? 被开除对我来说是因祸得福. 现在我有机会去寻找最符合我条件和兴趣的工作了. 我的调查告诉我这样的机会现在正摆在我的面前. 您愿意听听我在工作方面的新技能吗? were not the right match for my previousemployer ’s needs but it looks like they ’dbe agood fit in anization. in addition to marketing and advertising, wouldskills in promotion be valued here? 虽然我的能力不符合前任雇主的要求, 但是看起来很符合贵公司的利益. 除了营销和广告技能, 推广技能也是贵公司看重的吗? circumstances caused me to leave my first job, iwas very essful in school and got along well with both studentsand faculty. perhaps i didn ’t fully understand my boss ’ se-xpectations or why he released me so quickly before i had a chanceto prove myself. 虽然因为环境原因, 我离开了前一个工作岗位,但是我在学校里很成功, 不管是和学生还是教员都相处得很成功. 也许我没有完全理解我上司的期望, 也许是 3 /16 --------------------------------------------- 感谢观看本文------- 谢谢----------------------------------------------------------- [ 标签: 标题]2016 因为在我还没来的及有机会证明自己之前他很快就将我解雇了. job wasn ’t w