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大学英语口语教程 Holiday (opening and closing a conversation).ppt

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大学英语口语教程 Holiday (opening and closing a conversation).ppt

上传人:酒酿小樱桃 2016/8/4 文件大小:372 KB


大学英语口语教程 Holiday (opening and closing a conversation).ppt



文档介绍:Unit 2 Holiday I. Aims of the Unit ? 1. Opening and closing a conversation ? 2. Getting to know expressions related to holidays. ? about one ’ s holiday plan and activities in his/her holidays. 1. Opening a conversation: 1. Hi/ Hello, How are you? How ’ re things with you? 2. Nice to meet you/ Nice meeting you again. 3. I wonder if you can do me a favor. 4. Beautiful day, isn ’ t it? 5. Excuse me, haven ’ t we met somewhere before? 6. Excuse me, is this the way to the library? 7. Sorry, I couldn ’ t help overhearing-did you mention something about …..? 8. Er, do you have a minute? I ’ m not quite sure what this word means. 1. Closing a conversation 1. It was nice talking to you. 2. It was nice to see you again. 3. It was great seeing you. 4. See you again sometime / tomorrow. 5. Have a good day/ a nice weekend/trip. 6. How nice of you, thanks very much. 7. I/m afrad I have to get back to my office. I ’ m expecting a phone call. 8. Well, thanks for talking to us today. 3. Warm-up Work in pairs discussing the following questions, and then share your answers with the whole class. 1. What activities do you do to relax in your spare time? 2. How do you arrange your holidays? 3. Do you think people need holidays? ( Why ? or why not? ) 4. Dialogue making ? Make a dialogue between you and a friend of yours who has e back from a holiday. ? Ask him where he went ? How long he stayed ? How he travelled ? Who he went with ? Where he stayed (hotel, camping, bed and breakfast etc …)? What places of interest he visited ? What he liked the most Dialogue 1 ? A: Hi, is there anywhere you ’ d like to go this national holiday? ? B:Nowhere in particular. Do you have anything in mind? ? A: Well, some of us are thinking about going to the Grape Velly? Would you like to join us? ? B: Is it very expensive? ? A: Not very, but not cheap, either around 200 yuan. If we go as a group, we can cut the cost. ? B: Ok, I ’ d love to go. I enjoy walking around. ? A: Me too. Besi


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