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上传人:酒酿小樱桃 2016/8/4 文件大小:22 KB





文档介绍:怎样使句子简练利落(1) 不是所有的长句都是罗唆的,也不是凡是短的句子都是洗练的。我们要尽量运用简练的句子;我们也要尽量把没有增添语意的词语去掉,并且将冗长句子节缩,使之简练利落。我们可以从四方面着手: 一、消除多余的词语每句话里的词藻或用语,如果对语意起不了作用就不要铺张,要给以铲除,因此(1)a-(7)a 都嫌唠叨, 要由(1)b-(7)b 来取代: (1) a. At this point of time → b. Now (2) a. Bring all this toa conclusion. → b. Concluding this. (3) a. Has a tendency to drop → b. Can drop easily. (4) a. On account of the fact that... → b. As.../Since... (5) a. Situated in the vicinity of... → b. near... (6) a. June was determined in her mind to ..→ b. June was determined to ./June decided to ... (7) a. es David, a person whom I idolize and for whom I have the greatest admiration. → b. es David, a person I idolize./es my idol, David. 二、避免不必要的重复重复重要的字眼是种修辞手段, 但是不必要或无目的的重复, 却使句子累赘不自然,因此(8)a-(12)a 要改为(8)b-(12)b: (8) a. Close proximity → b. Proximity (9) a. Cooperate together → b. Cooperate/work together (10)a. Most unique → b. unique (11)a. The patient in Ward 2 isa mentally ill man. → b. The patient in Ward 2 is mentally ill. (12)a. A good teacher helps each student to e a better student, both academically and mentally. → good teacher helps each student to grow. /develop academically and mentally 三、简化句子结构句子结构务必明确易解,如果出现不必要的迂回状况,便要纠正加以简化,而且尽量采用恰当的动词, 臻达这目的;因此(13)a-(14)a 要改为(13)b-(14)b: (13) a. Rarely should a doctor give a patient an estimate of how many months or years he or she will live. → b. Rarely should a doctor estimate/pred