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文档介绍:e to the city of Changsha Changsha, capital of Hunan Province, isa ancient city once named Xingcheng and now also named entertainment city. Hunan Satellite TV it is similar toa mango, we also call it mango TV The middle circle represents a grain of rice, and the whole means fish, on behalf of the land of plenty. Yuelu Mountain( 岳麓山) Park in order to enjoy maple at the drawn --Du Mu When he was young, Mao was often swimming in Xiang River, to discuss state affairs. In 1925, he writed a well- known poems, "Qin Yuan Chun Cheung", to express the tradition of helping the country and people's grand ambitions. Juzizhoutou (橘子洲头) Huo Gongdian is a magnificent public place in Changsha City and even in Hunan Province for the integration of ethnic, religious and catering culture by providing all kinds of delicious well-known Hunan delicacies. Huo Gongdian (火宫殿) Stinky tofu Taste shrimp (口味虾) Rice noodles Sugar oil Baba (糖油粑粑) Daily life playing chess skating In the afternoon, old man always play chess and act in Hunan opera near the Xiang River. The nightlife in Changsha is colorful. You can enjoy the fireworks on 8:30pm every Saturday night from May to October.