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上传人:天随人愿的夏天 2021/12/29 文件大小:270 KB





剑桥国际少儿英语 1 第一单元文本
Unit 1 Hello!
and point.
Mrs Star: Hello. I ’m Mrs Star.
Mr Star: Hello. I ’m Mr Star.
Stella: Hello. I ’m Stella Star. This is Marie.
Simon: Hello. I ’m Simon Star. This is Maskman.
Suzy: Hello. I ’m Suzy Star. This is Monty.
Suzy, Stella and Simon: Goodbye.
Monty: Hello. I ’m Monty. What ’s your name
, point and repeat.
Mrs star Mr Star Stella Simon Suzy
and do the actions.
Toys in the toy box.
Come alive.
Walk and talk.
On the count of five,
One, two, three, four, five.
Marie: Hello. I ’m Marie. What ’s your name
Maskman: Maskman. What’s your name
Monty: Monty.
All: Goodbye.
the chant.
One, two, three, four, five,
Six, seven, eight, nine and ten.
and point.
Stella: Hello. Meera.
Meera: Hello, Stella. Hello. What ’s your na me
Suzy: Suzy.
- 1 --第1 -- 1页-
Meera: How old are you
Suzy: I ’m three.
Simon: How old are you, Meera
Meera: I ’m eight, and you
Simon: I ’m six.
, point and repeat.
Simon: Hello. I ’m Simon. I ’m six.
Meera: Hello. I ’m Marie. I ’m eight.
Suzy: Hello. I ’m Suzy. I ’m three.
Stella: Hello. I ’m Stella. I ’m seven.
the song.
Red and yellow and pink and green,
Orange and purple and blue.
I can sing a rainbow.
Sing a rainbow,
Sing a rainbow to you.
and say the colour.
Six, three, five, one, seven, four, two
it with Monty.
Monty: Sid snake
Monty, boy and girl: Sid snake
Monty: Stella, Suzy, Simon, Star
Monty, boy and girl: Stella, Suzy, Simon, Star
the questions.
What’s your name
’m ⋯( 姓名 ) How old are you I ’m ⋯(年龄)
- 2 --第2 -- 2页-
to the story.
Toys in the toy box.
Come alive.
Walk and talk.
On the count of five,
One, two, three, four, five.
Maskman:Hello, Marie.
Marie: Hello, Maskman. Close the doo


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