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文档介绍:?????????乬?お???????????????????????????????????? 410073 ?????????????ぎЁ??????????????????????ㄝ乚??????????????????????????г????????????????????????????????????⑤????????乫????????????催???????????????????????乬??????????????乬?????????佪????????????????????????乬???????????????????????乬??????????????????Ё????????????ㄝ???????????????????????????乬???????お? ???????????????? Research on the Imaging Satellites Task Planning problem CHEN Yingwu, HE Renjie, YANG Kewei, LI Jufang, YAO Feng (School of Information System and Management ?National University of Defense Technology ?Changsha 410073 ?China) Abstract: Imaging satellites are a kind of Earth Observation Satellites (EOS) orbit the earth. The mission of imaging satellite is to acquire images of specified areas on the earth surface to satisfy customers’ observation requests. It plays important roles in military reconnaissance and economy. The observation scheduling es plicated with the evolution of both satellites and observation requests. How to coordinate the satellites observation is ing increasingly important, which is the key issue t o improve the efficiency of satellites observation and make full use of satellites. In this paper, we make exhaustive discussion on the Imaging Satellites Task Planning problem. Firstly, we make detail explaination on the connotation of Imaging Satellites Task Planning problem, including Imaging Satellites working mechanism, the basic input and output as well as main constraints, and t he three phases of solving this problem. Then we analyze the main critical technical of Imaging Satellites Task Planning, includin g Polygon Targets technical, modeling and optimizing technical. Finally, we make detailed research on two typical Imaging Satelli tes Task Planning, probems. Key Words: Imaging Satellites; Task Planning; Polygon Targets ???????????????????ぎЁ???????????????[1]???????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????ぎ????????????ㄝ???????????????????????????????乚??


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