文档介绍:. .
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院 、 部: 材料与化学工程学院
学生: ***
指导教师: ** 职称 讲师
专 业: 高分子材料与工程
班 级: 高本1002班
完成时间: 2013年6月13日
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摘 要
关键词 :聚氯乙烯; 生产技术; 悬浮法; 防粘釜技术
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This article tells the story of China's PVC industry production technology of the development process and current situation, including raw material route, process equipment, polymerization methods and so on. The design and production of PVC by suspension method, the paper introduces the production of PVC by suspension method resin polymerization mechanism, need to be aware of the problems in the process of technology, including the quality influencing factors, technical condition and various additives in the synthesis process selection, descriptio