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上传人:xxj16588 2016/8/5 文件大小:70 KB




文档介绍:作文: 15 %,合 分; 快速阅读: 10 %合 71 分,每个 分; 听力客观题(单选): 25 %合 分每个 分; 听力主观题(复合式听写): 10 %合 71 分,前八个每个 分共 分,后三个每个 14. 2 分,共 分; 篇章词汇理解(选词填空) ;10% 合 71 分,每个 分; 仔细阅读理解: 15 %合 分,共 10 个每个 分。完形填空: 10 %合 71 分,共 20 个每个 分。句子翻译: 5 %合 分,共 5 个,每个 分。具体做题时间: 作文 15%(阅卷评分有 14分、 12分、 8分、 6分、 2分和 0分四个档次,用时 30分钟) 快速阅读 10%(7个判断题每个 1%,3个填空题也是 1%,单词拼写错误不给分, 用时 15分钟)听力 35%(短对话 8个,每个 1%,长对话 8个,每个 1%,短文 10个,每个 1 %,填词 7个,每个 %, 3个句子分别为 2%, 2%, %。用时 35分钟) 篇章阅读 20%+词汇阅读 5%(传统阅读 10个,一个 2%,选词阅读 10%,一个 %。用时 25分钟) 完型填空 10%( 20个小题,一题 %。用时 15分钟) 翻译 5%(一题 1%。用时 5分钟) 大学英语四六级考试语法精要(一) 动名词 1. 某些动词后要接动名词某些及物动词后能用动名词而不能用不定式作宾语,其中最常用动词的有 admit, avoid, appreciate, complete, consider, delay, deny, dislike, enjoy, escape, excuse, fancy, finish, forgive, involve, imagine, can ’t help, mind, miss, postpone, practise, prevent, quit, resent, risk, resist, suggest 等。 She suggested spending another day in the mountain area. The re’s no way to escape doing the work. She is considering asking her employer for a rise. Note: ①在 need 、 want 、 require 、 deserve 等动词后的动名词相当于不定式的被动式 The clock needs/wants repairing. (=The clock needs/wants to be repaired) The disabled deserve respecting. (=The disabled deserve to be respected.) ②在 like 、 hate 、 prefer 等动词后, 如果表示一般倾向, 则用动名词作宾语; 如果指具体的某次发生在将来的行动,则要用不定式。 I like reading books of this kind, but I don ’t like to read that book. She prefers walking to cycling. I prefer to stay at home today. ③在 remember 、 forget 、 regret 等动词后, 如果用动名词作宾语, 则表示该宾语的动作发生在动词谓语的动作之前; 如果用不定式作宾语, 则表示宾语的动作发生在动词谓语的动作之后 I remembered locking the door. (=I remembered that I had locked the door.) I remembered to lock the door (=I remembered that I was to lock the door.) I regret telling you about it. (=I regret that I told you about it.) I regret to tell you he has fallen ill. (=I regret that I am to tell you he has fallen ill.) 2. 动名词作介词的宾语动名词可作介词的宾语,与介词一起构成介词短语,在句中作定语、状语或表语。 His dream of ing a essful writer e true. She left without saying good