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文档介绍:Let ’ s enjoy the song and sing together! One song a week.( 一起唱:每周一歌) Section B (2a-2c) basketball er ball ping-pong ball volleyball ping-pong bat tennis ball baseball baseball bat Things I have: 2a Things I don ’ t have: basketball baseball ping-pong bat baseball bat volleyball ping-pong ball tennis ball er ball Find the sports words in the unit. Write them in the correct column. twenty-nine Frank Brown Gina Smith Wang Wei Listen and finish 1-2. Frank ___________ a er ball, but Alan ____ one. Frank and Alan love _______. Listen and finish 3-4. 3. Gina Smith has ____ er balls, three __________, four __________ and ________baseballs and bats. Wei has three _____________and _______ ping-pong bats. Listen and finish 5-6. 5. Frank Smith thinks er is ________. 6. Wang Wei thinks er is ________. doesn ’ t have has er two volleyballs basketballs five ping-pong balls two relaxing difficult I don ’ t have a er ball, but my brother Alan does. We go to the same school and we love er. We play it at school with our friends. It ’ s relaxing. 1. Who has a er ball? Frank Brown Yes, I do. I have two er balls, three volleyballs four basketballs, and five baseballs and bats. I love sports, but I don ’ t play them -- I only watch them on TV! Gina Smith No, I don ’ t. er is difficult. I like ping-pong. It’ s easy for me. I have three ping-pong balls and two ping-pong bats. After class, I play ping-pong with my classmates. Wang Wei Alan and Gina Smith have er balls. √√√√√√? 1. I play ping-pong with my classmates after class. ? 2. I have er balls, basketballs, volleyballs and baseballs. ? 3. My brother has a er ball but I don ’ t. ? 4. I only watch sports on TV. ? 5. er is not easy for me. ? 6. My brother and I are in the same school. FGW 2. F, G or W? No, I don ’ t. er is difficult. I like ping-pong. It’ s easy for me. I have three ping-pong balls and two ping-pong bats. After class, I play ping-pong with my classmates. Wang Wei Yes, I do. I have tw


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